名片 A person's business card or their card is a small card which they give to other people, and which has their name and details of their job and company printed on it.
Do try to collect the business card of everyone you meet with. 收集每一个和你见面的人的名片。
For others, it's the title on their business card. 对另一些人来说,成功是名片上的头衔。
And the English name of the item-business card-also focuses on its specific functionality. 此外,名片的英文名-businesscard-也强调了它具体的功能性。
A: Sure, here is my business card. 没问题,这是我的名片。
My business card is printed in several languages. 我的名片印了几种不同的语言文字。
The original data document is delivered directly to control workstation business card printing and membership card production market. 原始数据文档被直接传送到控制工作站制卡和会员卡制作市场。
Do you have a business card I could show him? 您有名片可以让我给他吗?
So I designed a business card for him that was also an envelope full of grass seed. 因此,我为他设计了一张商务名片一张装满了草种的信封。
These factors can affect the spot color business card printing and membership card fabrication rendition. 这些因素都会影响专色制卡和会员卡制作过程中的色彩再现。
Before I left, I gave him my business card. 离开前,我给了他一张名片。
This is the business card printing and membership card maker will two technologies together in a good way. 这是制卡和会员卡制作者将两种技术整合在一起的一种很好的方式。
My home address is on my business card. 我的名片上有我的住址。
Use business card templates or create your own with the envelopes and labels dialog box. 使用名片模板或者利用“信封和标签”对话框制作您自己的名片。
Control business card printing and membership card during the balance. 控制制卡和会员卡制作过程中的水墨平衡。
Stencil business card printing and membership card making gold in actual operation, how can I print high-quality products? 在网版制卡和会员卡制作金墨的实际操作中,怎样才能印出高质量的产品呢?
You can insert more than one electronic business card in a message. 在一封邮件中,可以插入多个电子名片。
It's easy. I sent the cigars to the judge, but enclosed the plaintiff's business card. 这很简单。我把雪茄送给法官,里面附上了原告的名片。
The company's first digital business card printing and membership card equipment can be traced back to the? 该公司的第一台数码制卡和会员卡制作设备可以追溯到什么时候呢?
How to effectively control business card printing and membership card produced quality work? 如何有效控制制卡和会员卡制作的各个工序质量?
He said we should take a taxi and keep in touch he even gave us his business card. 他说,我们应该打辆出租车,并且保持联系,他甚至把自己的名片给了我们。
Let me give you my business card in case you change your mind. 给您我的名片,您要是改变主意了,可以联系我。
Business card printing and membership card making ink layer fastness, ink also plays a decisive role. 在制卡和会员卡制作墨层牢度问题上,油墨也起着决定性的作用。
Eventually, everyone's business card will have an electronic mail address. 而最终,每个人的名片上都会有一个电子邮件地址。
This is a digital business card printing and membership card making one of the major advantages. 这是数码制卡和会员卡制息的一项次要劣势。
So you gave him your business card, right? 所以你就给了他一张名片,对吗?
Do you have a business card with your address? 你有上面有你的地址的名片吗?
It's the husband's business card. 这是她丈夫的名片。
Lithography business card printing and membership card to make an indirect business card printing and membership card. 平版制卡和会员卡制作属不间接制卡和会员卡制作。
I exchange business card with a client. 我客户交换名片。
I'm moving into a new flat, so this is my business card. 我正要搬家,这是我的名片。